Are you Brexit-Ready

Checklist of positive actions to help businesses mitigate risk and be fully prepared to take advantages of any opportunities afforded by future changes in legislation.

The UK’s decision to leave the EU will undoubtedly impact UK policy and legislation and affect the strategy, processes, assets and people of businesses across the country.

As to when the Government intends to trigger Article 50 and start the formal process of withdrawing from the EU remains uncertain, however current speculation suggests this won’t happen until 2017 at the earliest. One thing we can be sure of is that change will be implemented slowly.

Without knowing the outcome of negotiations, it’s difficult for businesses to plan a strategic way forward. Irwin Mitchell, an established corporate law firm with a strong reputation for M&A and private equity investment work, has prepared a very useful checklist of positive actions to help businesses get Brexit-ready. This covers areas such as commercial contracts, financial position, protection of assets, employment and immigration, pensions and tax.

To download, click here > Brexit Checklist Aug 2016
