The Chairman/CEO relationship

The Chairman/CEO relationship –

In a series of mini reports, Directorbank explores the role of the PE Chairman – the draw, the required skill set, the opportunities and the challenges, particularly concerning the relationship with the CEO, the wider management team and the backers.

These reports specifically explore the Chair/CEO relationship and encompass feedback from a recent survey of 240 experienced PE Chairmen from Directorbank’s network.

Part 7 – The attributes of a strong CEO, from a PE Chairman’s perspective

Our findings show 7 key attributes as follows:

  • Leads and develops a winning team
  • Clear vision and the ability to deliver the strategic plan
  • Has knowledge and understanding
  • Maintains trust and respect from the shareholders
  • Knows own limitations
  • Good understanding of the numbers and financial drivers
  • Has the X factor

    Read Part 7 here.

Part 8 – When the CEO sees the Chairman’s role as an imposition …

Advice given by the surveyed Chairmen was:

  • Understand the concerns
  • Remove the threat
  • Prove your worth – provide specialist knowledge; be a good mentor and sounding board; effectively manage the Board and its processes
  • If all else fails, consider more extreme action

    Read Part 8 here.