Survey results: Mid-Market Companies & COVID-19 – May 2020

A comprehensive research study examining the impact of COVID-19 on Mid-Market companies across the UK and Germany:

This week, Directorbank conducted a survey to gain feedback on a number of topics ranging from the pandemic’s impact on trading, cash flow and planning to investor relations and recruitment. We also probed into business confidence levels in the short and medium term.

We have been overwhelmed by the response from our Board-level network. More than 600 executive and non-executive directors participated in the survey from the UK, and over 200 from Germany, enabling us to gain hugely valuable insight.

The results have now been collated and we would like to share the comprehensive yet concise findings with you:

The UK Survey:
<Click here to view our SME & COVID-19 Survey Results>

The Germany Survey:
<Click here to view our Mid-Market & COVID-19 Survey Results (Germany)>

A comparison of the UK and Germany survey findings:
<Click here to view a comparison of our UK and Germany Survey Results >


We hope you find the reports an interesting and constructive read and we would welcome any feedback you may have by emailing