Latest news from Directorbank

20 September 2016

At what stage does a Chairman like to get involved in a pre-deal situation? As early as possible or when a deal is imminent?

A series of short reports from Directorbank on the role of the PE Chairman encompassing the views of 240 experienced Chairmen and 30 Private Equity Investors.

In a series of reports, we explore the role of the PE Chairman – the draw, the required skill set, the opportunities and the challenges, particularly concerning the relationship with the CEO, the wider management team and the backers.

240 PE-experienced Chairman and 30 private equity investors took part in the research and shared their views with us. Direct quotes and anecdotes are highlighted throughout our series of mini reports.

The first report answers the following question: ‘At what stage does a Chairmen like to get involved in a pre-deal situation? As early as possible or when a deal is imminent?’ We also question PE investors to get their views.

To download the findings, click here
