Mid-Year Review 2024

Mid-Year Review 2024 – Our activity and highlights …

With the mid-way point of 2024 behind us, we’d like to share an overview of our activity from the first six months of the year.

The first quarter of 2024 saw a softening market, but since the beginning of April we have experienced a strong rebound and our forward book to Christmas is looking very positive. While we have supported a lot of PE “pre-deal” activity, the actual number of completed transactions appears muted as investors continue to wait for reduced interest rates and lower inflation. Nevertheless, we see signs of optimism and believe that the second half of 2024 will see a rise in deal volumes. One sign of modest deal activity is the increased level of portfolio searches with a large increase in CEO/MD/COO and Executive Board appointments while Chair/NED searches have reduced slightly.

At the sector level, we have seen very high activity in the mainstream Industrial sector and are now seeing some pick up in Technology. Our German Practice continues to perform well and constitutes a third of our overall business.

As always, we remain focused on assignment delivery for our clients and also look forward to hosting a further eight events for our PE clients and Board-level candidates over the coming months.

CLICK BELOW for a summary of our activity and highlights:
Mid-Year Review 2024_pdf

Change of London address

Our London Office address has changed!

We can now be found at:

3rd Floor, Orion House,
5 Upper St Martin’s Lane,
London WC2H 9EA.

T. 020 7255 7940

Our personal email addresses and mobile numbers all remain the same.









Announcing the loss of a wonderful team member

Company announcement: 

It is with great sadness that we share the news that our dear colleague, Mike Avis, passed away on Monday 12th February 2024 after a short illness.

Mike was such a great member of the Directorbank team, a true gentleman and a friend. His warmth, kindness and empathy will be greatly missed by all of us, as well as his sense of humour, positivity and infectious, booming laugh.

Our sincere condolences to his family and friends.






Rest in peace Mavis!


Directorbank ranked as a top search firm in Germany

Directorbank ranked as a top search firm in the ‘Private Equity’ category in the annual survey of Germany’s best Search Consultants …

The team at Directorbank are both grateful and proud to have been ranked again as one of the top search firms in the ‘Private Equity’ category in the annual survey of Germany’s best Search Consultants by Wirtschaftswoche, the German business magazine.

Together with our very recent listing in the Financial Times’ survey of the UK’s leading recruiters, in which Directorbank stood out across four categories, this demonstrates our good position in both the UK and DACH markets.

We are delighted by the news and would like to thank all our clients for their trust in us.  We look forward to working with you all – clients old and new – throughout 2024 and will continue to go the extra mile in bringing exceptional people together that can make a real difference to business performance.