Latest news from Directorbank

5 January 2017

Directorbank’s 2016 Year End Update

Despite the extreme politics of 2016, it has been a year of strong achievement for Directorbank with a number of notable successes:

  • Portfolio search assignments remained the core part of our activity and we continued to play a key role in pre-deal situations by introducing board directors and advisors on behalf of our private equity clients.


  • Assignments for non PE-backed firms increased from 2015 figures, and notably we saw a 27% increase in assignments for privately-owned firms.


  • We continued to fill the core mix of board roles as well as an increasing number of other senior and critical positions such as Commercial Directors, Business Development Directors and CTOs – here we saw a 62% rise in work. The number of Sales Director roles completed rose 38% on 2015 figures.


For more information on our key achievements across the year, including a track record of recently completed assignments, please click on the link below.
